Our story
So much of what The Beacon is about centres around food – making friends around a table, eating, talking, laughing and being family together. And everyone is invited.
When Martyn, the Bishop of Leicester, visited the St Francis Centre for it’s 20th year celebration in 2020, he saw it could be a great place for a new kind of church.
Meanwhile, Jon and Amy, the church planters, had been dreaming of starting a church – a church that could be designed to fit the needs of its community. St John’s, where they were based, were really supportive sharing the dream to ‘plant’ another church in Hinckley.
Next followed lots of praying and walking around the Tudor Road estate, looking, listening, learning and asking God what He wanted for the people living there. One evening Jon felt God asking him to look up. He saw a bright light shining out of the St Francis Centre, like a beacon.
A small team of Christians, supported by St John’s church, seek to be God’s shining beacon on the estate, sharing Jesus through caring for, loving and feeding all who come.
The Beacon Church launched on Sunday 12th September 2021.
History surrounding the Church